Lava Ridge and Salmon Falls Wind Projects

The strength of America’s economy and quality of life for its citizens depends upon access to affordable and reliable energy resources.

Lava Ridge Project

Located within Jerome, Lincoln, and Minidoka Counties, the Lava Ridge Project has the potential to generate 1000+ megawatts of wind energy.

Our application to the Bureau of Land Management requests use of federal lands for the construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of a wind energy generating facility and ancillary facilities.

Proposed Project Features
  • 1,000+ MW potential development (up to 400 individual turbines)
  • Improved and new access roads
  • Electrical collection and transmission lines
  • Substations
  • Communications equipment
  • Battery energy storage system
  • Operations and maintenance facilities
  • Temporary construction yards and staging areas

Lava Ridge Project Timeline

Salmon Falls Project

Located in Twin Falls County, the Salmon Falls Project has the potential to generate approximately 800 megawatts of wind energy.

Our application to the Bureau of Land Management requests use of federal lands for the construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of a wind energy generating facility and ancillary facilities.

Proposed Project Features
  • 800 MW potential development (up to 300 individual turbines)
  • Improved and new access roads
  • Electrical collection and transmission lines
  • Substations
  • Communications equipment
  • Battery energy storage system
  • Operations and maintenance facilities
  • Temporary construction yards and staging areas

Salmon Falls Project Timeline