Draft Environmental Impact Statement Alternative C Highlights

Alternative C allows for a maximum of 378 turbines while moving away from the Minidoka National Historic Site and Wilson Butte Cave.

Here’s what you should know about one of the Bureau of Land Management’s preferred alternatives:

ALTERNATIVE C MAP click map to expand

  • The development would occur in areas already impacted by energy infrastructure and would reduce the extent of wildlife fragmentation.
  • The project’s 500-kV transmission line would follow the alignment of existing transmission lines.
  • Siting corridors would be located away from the most prominent viewing directions of Wilson Butte Cave and Minidoka NHS to avoid impacting the setting and feeling of these places
  • Reduced development to avoid pronghorn and mule deer migration
  • Additional limitations on construction activities during the eagle breeding season to further minimize potential impacts to eagles and reduce the likelihood of eagle fatalities
  • Increased likelihood of avoidance and minimization of impacts to sage-grouse
  • Additional avoidance and minimization measures would further minimize the potential reduction in livestock forage and thus reduce impacts to the livestock grazing economy
  • Further reduction of the potential for turbines to visually impact surrounding residences
  • New range improvement pipelines could provide additional water resources for fire suppression.
  • Designed to minimize interference with communication systems and adhere to FAA requirements.
  • The project would not impact aquifer recharge to the Snake River.
  • Greatly reduced impacts to wildlife movement compared to proposed project
  • Fewer new and improved access roads and less fencing during construction
  • Alternative C would allow for 1000+ MW energy production to fill the large demand for clean energy in Idaho and the West while providing a thoughtful move away from important cultural sites.

The economic benefit to Idaho and Jerome, Lincoln, and Minidoka counties would still be substantial during the life of the project. Alternative C, along with the mitigation measures by MVE, ensures wildlife populations continue to thrive, livestock permitees livelihoods are upheld, and this project continues to benefit the communities, road districts, schools, and taxpayers.