FEIS Analysis on Grazing

The Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) details the importance of grazing in the community, its role as a core sector of commerce for Southern Idaho, and, importantly, how the Lava Ridge Wind Project can work alongside the BLM’s grazing allotments.

Grazing Economy and Livestock Forage Options

The new preferred alternative for Lava Ridge will impact less than 4% of the total forage availability of the grazing allotments during construction. To help alleviate impacts, Magic Valley Energy has secured arrangements that would provide flexibility during the construction and reclamation phases, support continued rest rotation management of the allotments, limit the need for temporary fencing, and allow for permittees to use their active AUMs in their permitted allotments with no reductions due to Project activities.

In addition, we have incorporated the ability to upgrade or install new range improvements, including water conveyance pipeline, stock watering sites, and cattle guards throughout the Project to help alleviate concerns and improve even forage utilization within pastures.

When combining these measures with others, the EIS states the Project will have no significant impacts to the grazing economy or livestock foraging opportunities.

Physiological Effects to Livestock

The FEIS analyzed potential impacts on the physiological health of livestock and found scientific data showing there are:

  • No documented visual impacts to livestock from wind turbines
  • No measurable effects of EMF exposure on livestock
  • No livestock health problems associated with exposure to high-voltage transmission lines over long periods

Further, physiological impacts on livestock related to construction, operation, and decommissioning equipment noise and blasting are not anticipated. Livestock would not be within pastures during construction activities, and noise levels during the Project’s operation would be below tolerance levels for livestock.

The FEIS concludes the Project would not have significant physiological effects on livestock.

Our goal is to ensure local ranchers with grazing permits in the Lava Ridge Project site can continue building thriving operations in Southern Idaho.

Through sustainable partnerships, investments in rangeland improvements, and opportunities to increase ranchers’ AUMs, we’re committed to improving local ranchers’ operations and ensuring our presence brings actual value to the ranching community.

We commit to being a good neighbor and continuing to work with Southern Idaho ranchers to uphold and enhance their legacy.