What does the DEIS say about avian populations? Short Version: Wind energy’s avian fatality estimate is roughly half that of nuclear energy and almost 20 times smaller... Continue reading
What Does the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Say About Sage-Grouse? The DEIS provides a detailed evaluation of the potential effects of the Lava Ridge Project on the greater sage-grouse... Continue reading
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Alternative C Highlights Alternative C allows for a maximum of 378 turbines while moving away from the Minidoka National Historic Site and Wilson... Continue reading
Energy Doesn’t Happen Without Development Clean energy doesn’t happen without development, and we’re thrilled the Lava Ridge Wind Project has reached a new milestone... Continue reading
Wind Turbines and Wildfire: Experts Weigh in on a Burning Issue As an experienced fire pilot will tell you, flying around or through obstacles is often part of the job. “For the... Continue reading