Your input has molded the Lava Ridge Wind Project.
Your constructive engagement remains important to us as we approach the conclusion of this multi-year development phase. Through collaborative and respectful dialogue, we have molded the Lava Ridge Wind Project into its best version for Idaho.
We’re Magic Valley Energy, an affiliate of leading U.S. energy company, LS Power
Just like Idaho’s agricultural and manufacturing industries, wind energy can become a major economic contributor to the state and serve power markets in Idaho and across the West. Magic Valley Energy’s projects will position Idaho as a leader in domestic energy production.
Since 1990, LS Power has been partnering with communities across North America to create lower-cost, cleaner energy solutions for consumers while improving the functionality, reliability, resiliency and efficiency of the aging transmission system.
Wind + Transmission + Buyers = A New Export Market for Idaho
Southern Idaho boasts strong, consistent wind that will allow for a sustainable creation of energy.
Multiple existing and planned transmission pathways enable the delivery of wind energy to power markets across the West. Battery storage can be used to extend the supply during times when the wind isn’t blowing.
The majority of western U.S. states have specific and substantial clean energy goals to meet the regulatory, utility, or consumer driven need to incorporate renewable energy into their portfolios.
These projects are estimated to bring in tens of millions of dollars in labor income into south central Idaho through the construction phase. Ongoing operations will yield additional increases in employment providing around 40, well-paid, permanent jobs in Southern Idaho.
Magic Valley Energy believes in giving back to local nonprofits, cities and counties and partnering to address community challenges. We’re here to help.
Wind power can be an efficient and sustainable way to produce energy while providing well-paid job opportunities, significant increases in tax revenues, and long-term economic and fiscal impacts for the area.
We’d love to hear from you.
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